Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sorry state of Indian Politics

Indian Politics:
There is a major difference between our desi and american politician. There is even more difference between our janta and american janta.
Indian Janta consider politics as a gutter(dirty profession) and politicians as a corrupt and dishonest.
American consider politics as a noble profession and expect there politician to be intelligent, smart and honest.

Why we dont have honest and intelligent politician ?
Middle class which is consider to be strengh of indian economy has so far not been actively involved in the profession. Smart and intelligent youth from middle class has been more interested in taking up professional like IT, Manufatcuring or medicines.
State of indian politics could be changed if these smart and intelligent youth from middle class can be attarcted to join politics.
Where does the problem lies ?
Youth is avoiding politics not because they are irresponsible or shying away from the hard work required. Problem lies some where else.
These bright talented youth would consider development as there prime motive and will consider development as the only benchmark to measure there performance. These people can take our country forward and make it a success as they are commited to development and nothing else.
But in our country development is not the only benchmark to judge your performance.There are many other things which are considered to be important to judge there political capability.
We talk about unity but where is unity. We started dividing people intially by caste, then came religion and now region(language). Now if one want to be successfull politician then he/she should use caste, religion and region to your best use. These things act as repellent to attract youth to politics.
How these corrupt politician comes into power ?
Lets take an example to understand this. Raj thakre using the region card (Marathi Manus) to his best use in maharashtra and got the maximum publicity that he wouldnt have got even in 20 years with development as motive.
Now politician from bihar too want to use this situation. They found an opportunity and got a political jack pot in terms of rahul raj. every politician of bihar is trying to use rahul raj to fulfil there political ambitions and get there share of publicity.
Result: People of bihar forgot that they have recently been hit by one of the worst food. Janta forgot about the flood and grave situation of the state and there focus is shifted. Politician finds an easy way to move the focus of the people from thousands of those who have been suffering from the tragic condition caused by the flood. I am not saying they shouldnt be worried about cause of Up and Bihar walas in mumbai.
But I am talking about the whole political ecosystem and how every thing is inter related.
There is famous qoute generaly used by managers "Dont talk about problems give solution"
Highlighting problem is the first and easiest step but to plan for the solution and take corrective action is the most difficut..
what can be solution of this Political Sudoku?
1. Expect more from our politicians
2. Politicians and poltical parties should be accountable for there deeds
3. There should be some sytem for direct and indirect feedback to govt, for its policies and govt offices at district, state and at country
4. National level debate over govt policies
5. Defining benchmark to measure govt policies
6. Media should behave more responsible for not giving publicity to persons who talks about things other than development.
Suggestion Invited

1 comment:

mygalaxyofstars said...

great...I can expect our next leader from Mandi...;) as you hav written about the solutions you will also have a chance to actually do something about it...wat say?